‘In the city now there are loose components, accelerated particles; something
has come loose, something is wriggling, lassoing, spinning towards the edge of
its groove. Something must give and it isn’t safe. You ought to be careful.
Because safety has left our lives. It’s gone forever. And what do animals do
when you give them only danger? They make more danger, more, much more.’
Martin Amis, Einstein’s Monsters, p. 32
‘Can you hear us ?
- Yes.
- What do we sound like?
- You sound like machinery.
- Is it nice?
- It is beautiful.
- What kind of machinery ?
- Ordinary, eternal machinery.’
Leonard Cohen, Beautiful Losers, p. 20
I’m happy to use all the stuff out there to write from and with. Sure there will be consequences there is to every move, every step. To speak is never neutral. And some of us write white hot of fury and ice and terror and shame … and hate, and it spreads on and round. And it too is awful. Maybe one day language will just fold up, give up on itself and us and become a hummm …. mmmmmmmm. I love how she tries. (all oraculars)